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something Old....something New....

For a long time now, my love for so many things has been in growth mode. It seem that with each passing year, the list is shorter, more concise, more specific, more manageable. There is not so much cluttering what is truly important. What has been most significant all along is now even more visible and more significant. Somehow, before, on occasion, it would have other less important stuff sandwiched inbetween, or on top of it swishing the life out of it, or underneath it taking away the very foundation of it's importance. But, as the months and years go by, what doesn't belong falls away, separates from the real and becomes what is least. After that phenomenon which seems to only be visible upon a certain maturity, what's left is classified as beauty, love, joy and a satisfied spirit connected to other like spirits.

I'm writing this on the eve of a own. I know, it's not my style to promote my own birthday, but this one, for some reason, I'm particularly drawn to the reality of the moment. For the past week, our home has been filled with guests who are near and dear to our, children, grandchildren. Over this last weekend, Michael surprised me by flying  my children and grandson to visit me for the occasion. My heart nearly exploded when I heard the doorbell, opened the door and there they stood....what a surprise! How fun!  It just all culminates at a  time when life seems so valuable, so precious, so unpredictable...and unfortunately (because of the stories in the news) so short.

Staying in the moment of every second this weekend was challenging. I immediately began to think about the moment when they would be dropped off at the airport, saying goodbye, hugging and kissing....and crying. STOP! Stay in the moment. Be in the moment, capture every expression, every word, every smile, every laugh. Run, jump, play, dance and sing with Wyatt...he's only 2-1/2 at this very moment. Enjoy the conversation, the discussion, the catching up, the meals around the table, the car rides together, the walks around the museum, the sitting in church together - worshipping together. It's all so precious. For me, being in the moment is one thing, remembering the details later is another. Photography has become a must have, must do and must not miss! So thankful for the camera in my phone for a quick-pic, but more intentional shots have to be done with just the right equipment...or at least a bigger camera.

 Love #1: FAMILY

The one true, consistant thing that has endeared me to family is the preciousness of the life I was blessed to bring into the world. My children, Sara and Christopher have truly been the love of my life for 30 years. They taught me what love feels like, taught me what giving and sacrifice was all about, and taught me what grace looks like. With the birth of my grandson, Wyatt, the process starts all over again. Through his presence, I can see what I didn't see the first time around. And that love more, love deeper, love passionately and with intensity, love softly and gently and love because it's the only thing that matters.


The passion is there, the desire is there, but....the technical skills need some attention. Another fun surprise over the weekend, Michael arranged for a professional photographer to come to our home to spend time with me, teaching me a little of what she knows to help my photography become a little more in sync with my passion. Amanda Borozinski, my newest best friend, is an amazing person who really shared her passion for capturing beauty and life. She even blogged about the experience we had together!

 So thankful that she came on a weekend when I would be surrounded by people I love and could use them as subjects in my shots. I have made the promises to always carry my camera with me, to always shoot on "manual," and to give myself monthly assignments that will eventually improve my ability to capture what I see as beauty. Photography has become so much more important exactly because of weekends like this...moments like this...where my minds eye won't remember enough details (subjective, I know) but the photographs will allow the story to emerge time and time again. I just love it. Here's a sampling of the fun we had together. Yes, I know...I need another lens...a 2.8. But I'll make do until then. (but it is my next big purchase...whenever. )

The Something Old....Me. The Something New....More of my own Photography in my blog. 


  1. I love the way you write. Writing is in your top 5 right? What a weekend! Love you!

  2. Great reflection Debbie. I too was thinking of capturing the memories when Lily comes to me in June. She is so precious and the times spent with her are precious to all of us.

    Happy blogging now with pictures ......

    1. Thanks Marilyn. Capturing moments has always been important to me, but is growing stronger by the year. I'm sure that you will never regret anything you capture of your time with Lily...enjoy to the fullest.


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