There are only a few times in your life that you truly fall in love. You know, the completely-head-over-heels-smitten with something or someone, the kind of feelings that keep you dreaming awake at night, or a visible nervousness or anxiousness, or even a huge urge to throw up. You know that’s true love when that happens. Your stomach is essentially one big knot. You bolt out of bed in the morning because this new found love will hopefully bring opportunities, none of which can be missed. It’s the kind of feeling that causes you to say ‘my life has changed; things will never be the same.’ Ever. And when you’re feeling this way, who would ever want it to be the same? Take for instance the last time you went shopping for new shoes or a new pair of jeans. The moment you slipped those shoes on to your feet, that feeling of complete awe and wonder, could there ever be a more perfect pair, starts to emerge. It collides with your already over stimulated temporal lobe and yo...
Things I've learned and feel compelled to share. ~ Debbie Daniele