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Showing posts from February 28, 2010

Love - Life Adhesion Molecules

Painting by: Melody Hogan, 2009 I n the Beginning....God....made everything. You know the story. Genesis, the creation, Adam and Eve. God set in motion the greatest multiplication problem ever. All things were created to be fruitful and multiply. Life began and was commanded to flourish and multiply. If you've seen Lou Giglio's talk on Laminin, you might remember that at the center of a cell in the human body is a protein molecule called Laminin, which is a cell adhesion molecule, it holds the cell together and tells the cell what it's supposed to do. It's fascinating to see the scientific diagram of Laminin, it's actually in the shape of a cross! Amazing to think that the God of the universe created this cell adhesion molecule in the shape of an object that would become so significant many years on the other side of creation. It was no accident that the most important cell in the human body, the one that holds all things together...