Some things just aren’t meant to be... so, turn and walk away. Don’t look back, don’t have regrets, don’t count the loss. Give up the idea to fix it, prove the truth, or right the wrong. Stop being so surprised, get past the shock, and don’t shed one single tear. The sooner I learn that, life will be a lot less stressful and much less anxious. Plain. Simple. Let me explain. I was never more shocked than when I recently received a letter in the mail, totally unexpected, and very ill-timed. It arrived the week before Christmas. It was from the Society of Church Consultants telling me that I should not renew my membership when the expiration date comes up in the next few months. I have been a part of this group since receiving my Church Consultant Certification in 2004. Eight years, I have been a part of this group, who only in the past few years was formed into a “Society” for the sake of identifying those who had been trained by a specific group, thereby branding with certain ...
Things I've learned and feel compelled to share. ~ Debbie Daniele