It’s a snowy, blog writing, cozy up by the fire, and hug a bowl of chili kind of day. You know the kind that makes you want to stay under a blanket and read a good book or watch a movie, or give your blog a facelift. It seems the busyness of a page gets to me after a while and a fresh, clean look is necessary. We’ve done that in our home recently. Rearranged rooms, added decorative features, cleaned – deep cleaned. And I love how that feels. Everything is feng-shui. Wikipedia describes it this way, “ philosophical system of harmonizing the human existence with the surrounding environment .” I could not agree more. Creating space that’s habitable, organized, peaceful is so at the core of me. It’s relaxing, comforting and most of all, allows me to do something besides focus on what needs to be done. On to projects that have been on the sidebar much too long. These sort of days give me time to think, create, plan. There’s nothing like taking a long view of the mont...
Things I've learned and feel compelled to share. ~ Debbie Daniele