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A Story Too Good to Not be Told...Again

This August27/30th finds life in a much different light than in previous years. What a difference 365 days make. For me, the scenary has changed yet again, job responsibility is blossoming, relationships are growing and opportunities are presenting themselves as if they were written long ago on the calendar especially for this day and time. It's a moment for reflecting and coming to the realization that everything has a beginning and everything has an ending. I applaud both, especially when endings allow somethings to be put to rest forever, after which emerges a beginning. It's staggering to think about the amount of change that happens during the course of just one year. Dizzying to say the least. 

But what hasn't changed are the stories that we tell about our life and how we got to this place. Each year about this time, I love repeating the story that started my journey to Motherhood. I love repeating the details of how God was so gracious and loving that He gave me two precious babies just three years apart. I don't like to dip into many of the pasts emotions any more than I have to, but these are some that I find give me strength, hope and faith that God works miracles. This I know for sure.

This last week in August is always met with excitement - it's the week that Sara and Chris were born....Sara on the 30th and Chris on the 27th - just 3 years apart. I tried for the same date, but the reality was that Sara was 10 days late and Chris was 2 or 3 days past the due date. So, exactly plan and predict I wasn't able to do so well. But their days of being born were as they should be on the day that God designed for them.

What is a little known fact was that both Sara and Chris were miracle babies. Growing up associated with a church that didn't allow us to celebrate birthdays, this miracle story didn't get repeated, except only on occasion. For that I am truly sorry. It should have been celebrated to the max each and every year - they deserved it. They deserve the story to be out there from the moment they arrived because they are unique and special and a true gift from God, it is their story.

For nearly a year and a half attempts to become pregnant yielded no results. The discouragement and sadness were a lot to carry in my heart. At times it was overwhelming grief at the continued loss of another month without a positive sign. Other friends were getting pregnant and I felt totally inadequate. 'What was wrong with me?' I used to ask. I did visits to Doctors to see if there was anything easily detectable. And nothing. So, I thought perhaps it wasn't meant to be. That was something that I wasn't really prepared to accept.

Knowing that was a real possibility I decided to allow my faith to enter into the equation, although this probably should have been first in the equation (some of us take longer to see the light!) Anyway, one thing the church did teach was prayer, accompanied with an anointing of oil. It was a petitioning of God, in a biblical way, that says 'God - I'm serious here - I need Your help.' So after many months of frustration, I decided to go to the Elders in the church and tell them my situation and ask them to pray for me. They understood and had prayed many times for this same thing for individuals who desperately wanted a child. With a quiet confidence I approached the throne of God, in prayer, with an Elder, with an anointing - asking 'may I have a child to care for and love and nurture and bring up in Your ways?' I wanted whatever the obstruction was in my body that wasn't allowing it to happen naturally to be corrected. I wanted the miracle of conception to occur. The thought of having a child finally seemed real and possible. I had faith that God wanted this for me and would bless me indeed.

It took only one month. God had indeed provided the necessary miracle to allow me to get pregnant. I was tremendously overjoyed and excited and in great anticipation for the delivery that would follow. Sara was born 9 months later, miracle child number one. Heaven was thrilled over the completion of this miracle - as was I. When it was time to have another child, I went through the same process, but this time I didn't wait a year and a half. I went directly to the Elders again after only a couple of months, was prayed for and anointed, and again, the miracle occurred. There is nothing more exciting than seeing the "positive" sign on the pregnancy test stick! What a thrill. Nine months after that - Chris was born. Miracle child number two.

Every year I have wondered if I hadn't been obedient to that voice in my head that said 'let's ask for a miracle here' would the outcome have been the same. I don't think so. What I know of Sara and Chris, they are miracles. Their lives are miracles. They have become a force in this world and their purposes are greater than themselves.

Miracles continue to unfold around their lives, and it's evident how much God wants to bless them and bring joy and happiness and love into their lives so they may give it to others. Sara, as a woman, with her effervescent personality, always has a big smile and warm heart towards others. She is truly blessed with talents, gifts, skills and passion that will propel her into a life rich with experiences, intense with love and running over with excitement. And nearly two years ago, she was blessed with a son of her own. She has fallen into the role of Motherhood head over heels in love with Wyatt. For Chris he has been blessed with wisdom, intelligence and a sensitivity for compassion way beyond his years that will propel him far through life. He is a man that will truly love, truly work hard, truly care for others. I pray for many opportunities for them and for many in their life whom they can love and be loved by. Only God knows the path for their life, and as a Mom I can only pray that they would continue to listen to that voice inside them that is leading them. Life is big, life is a miracle and I want nothing less for Sara and Chris.

Bless them indeed, put Your hand of favor on them, enlarge their boundaries, keep them from the evil one.

I love you both,



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